Alan held his mother on the dance floor. The music started to muffle, the lights started to dim as everything from his childhood started to fill his head, and tears started to fill his eyes. So much has happened in his life, so many times he fell to his knees, not knowing what to do. This woman picked him right back up to his feet and made him the man he is today. Men never forget what their mothers sacrifice to make them the men they become. This day, this moment, would not be possible without her. There was not a dry eye that was watching Alan hold his mother’s head in his hands, including our own.
Alan and Taylor. What an amazing day it was! Both of us were praying every hour that the rain would stay away from Funks Grove, and how lucky were we all that it did! Such amazing weather and such a GORGEOUS VENUE! Seriously, getting married in the middle of the woods-how perfect is that!
Such a heartwarming moment when Taylor was in her dressing room, just moments before walking down the aisle. That moment when it really hit you that you were about to finally marry Alan, and you broke down into a crying laughter. There is not a better way to express every emotion that someone makes you feel than that. During the ceremony you two started pouring your unity sand, then Canon joined in. How can someone not choke up at this!
Taylor, you have been so loving to Canon; that letter you wrote him was the sweetest thing ever. We absolutely LOVED when you and Alan started swinging him down the aisle after you were pronounced husband and wife.
It was such a special day and we had so much fun sharing in these moments with both of you. We are so blessed to get to know both of you so much better and have you in our lives. Congratulations,Alan and Taylor Stipp. We wish you a lifetime of happiness together!!